Presentations for Teachers & Parents
•Anger Management/Conflict Resolution
• Anxiety Disorders
• Asperger's Disorder
• Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
• Bipolar Disorder in Children
• Boundaries
• Building Rapport with Parents
• Changing Roles of Parents
• Child Abuse: Signs and Risk Factors
• Cognitive Distortions
• Collaborating with Your Child’s School
• Communicating with Families
• Communication Skills
• Depression
• Early Adolescent Peer Relationships
• Eating Disorders/Nutritional Health
• Effective Parenting of Middle Schoolers
• Identifying at Risk Children
• Learning Disabilities
• Parenting Adolescents
• Professionalism in Schools
• Mood Disorders
• Oppositional Children
• Raising Responsible Children
• Self-Esteem
• Stress Management
•Substance Abuse
• Suicide
• Today’s Families and At-Risk Children
• What to Expect from Adolescents
These topics and others can be tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs through collaboration with one of our therapists.
Student Groups and Talks
CABH therapists also provide talks and groups specifically geared toward children and adolescents. These services vary from topical presentations to on-going skills training or therapy groups. The following are examples of topics that the talks or groups might cover:
- Anger Management/Conflict Resolution
- Anxiety
- Bullying
- Body ImageNutritional Health
- Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Feelings
- Controlling Impulses
- Communication Skills
- Divorce
- Feelings
- Friendships
- Mood: "The Blues and the Butterflies"
- Organizational Skills
- Relaxation Techniques
- Self-Esteem
- Social Skills
- Violence in Dating Relationships
- Drugs and Alcohol
School Consultation
CABH therapists have consulted with numerous schools in the St. Louis area regarding the mental health needs of children and adolescents. Our school consultation services focus on a systemic approach and include:
• Behavioral Consultant
A CABH therapist works at a school on a weekly basis as a consultant to teachers and administration about the behavioral issues presented by various students. The behavioral consultant’s duties are determined based on the needs of the school but can include student observation, short-term interventions with children such as crisis intervention, consultation with faculty about classroom management, consultation with administration about strategies for addressing the mental health needs of children, and consultation with families about seeking appropriate services for their children.
• Faculty Consultation
A CABH therapist meets with the faculty or a selected group of the faculty to discuss specific at-risk students. The consultant provides guidance about possible interventions and ongoing education about mental health issues affecting children and adolescents.
• Crisis Intervention
A CABH therapist provides short-term assessment of crisis situations in the school and makes recommendations about how to best resolve the situation. Examples include assessing a child who is believed to be at risk for self-harm or harm to others and facilitating short-term group therapy for students displaying problematic behaviors.